Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Few Things.

Hi, internet.
A few things...
1) I'm down 25 pounds. Woot.
2) I've been spending too much time on Reddit.
3) I'm here to talk to you about Cheers.

Sam. Diane. Norm. Carla. Coach. Cliff. Woody. Rebecca. Sometimes you wanna go where you know everybody's name.
J and I recently realized that the entire series of Cheers is available on Netflix for instant view. This weekend, we kind of chuckled, and decided to put on the Pilot episode, just to see how it stood the test of time. We snuggled back and were... totally blown away by how quickly we were drawn in, how well the characters were already developed, and by how much it made us laugh.

I have a lot of fond memories of Cheers - it is one of the shows I absolutely grew up watching in the background. It is also one I wasn't old enough to "get" a lot of the innuendo or appreciate the plot points the first time around. I'm kind of dorkishly excited to be rediscovering the show. J and I made an agreement, we'd watch an episode every night until we finished - in something like 274 days. A 24 minute nightly investment that gives us something different (ok, ok, it is still just watching TV, but still) to do together.

Alas, our 3 year old is now passed out in our bed with a nasty cold, and since that is the only TV we have hooked up to a PS3...It looks like I need to put Sam and Diane on hold for tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance! I have a question about your blog. HeatherVonsj(at)gmail(dot)com
