Friday, October 29, 2010

Swedish Apple Pie

If I had to pick a dessert that embodied comfort food & my childhood, it would be Swedish Apple Pie. It is one of the easiest pies you could ever hope to make, and it is fragrant, delicious, warm, yummy goodness. Growing up in New England, naturally the fall meant lots and lots (and lots) of apples. This is a great way to use them up. My mom likes to say how you could get a call that company was coming in an hour, and have this pie warm and ready to serve by the time they got there.
She was clearly an over-achiever. I'm not sure how she pulled that off with three of us running around, but more power to her!

Some friends asked for suggestions on what to do with their apple surplus, and this was the first thing I thought of. Once I thought of it, naturally I had to make it. This meant going to the store for apples, as surplus I had none. That's ok! Price Chopper had Buy One, Get One Free bags. So, I decided to double the recipe and make it in a 9x13 pan. Smart move, since it is almost gone. Oops.

I also had the cutest helper in the world, my Ms. P!

Swedish Apple Pie
The Ingredients:
3/4 cup melted butter/margarine
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1 egg
pinch of salt
3/4 cup chopped nuts (optional)
Apples, peeled & sliced
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg (optional)

The directions:
Preheat oven to 350. Fill a 9" pie plate about 3/4 full with apple slices. Combine the Tbsp of sugar and tsp cinnamon, and sprinkle over the top of the apples. In a bowl, mix the remaining ingredients, adding the nuts last. Pour the mixture over the apples, and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes.

Mmmmmmmmmm. Don't you wish you could scoop a heap of vanilla ice cream on there and go to town?
I used both bags of apples - good thing, because P ate out as many apple slices as I put in, I think. I also realized that I put vanilla in the ingredients photo, and it isn't in the list. That's because I was feeling fancy, and put a drop or two in. A drop of almond extract would also work. But trust me, it doesn't need anything extra. It is fantastic all on its lonesome!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oh, Cape Cod...

When I need my soul refreshed, I head East over the Bourne to the land of Cod. We are blessed to have a place to stay for free when we do make our way down, and believe me - I take advantage when I can.

So that is where I was this past weekend. I was dragging my feet on going, to be honest, even though we picked this date with friends as we packed up from our last excursion over Labor Day Weekend. The thought of traveling with a toddler and an infant can get very daunting. Particularly when you haven't gotten a solid night's sleep since sometime in the first trimester. I didn't want to disrupt sleep schedules. Didn't want to risk a car sick toddler. Didn't want to lose a weekend of housework - which is the only time I can get serious housework done. I tend to get overwhelmed and bury my head in the sand and stick to my comfort zone.

I'm very happy I recognized that fact, and pushed myself to go. Good friends, happy babies, yummy food, scary movies (once the kids were asleep, of course). I gained two pounds, but whatever. The health-train can start renewed this week. You just can't do Chinese food 'healthy'. It isn't fun.

Anyway, it isn't about us at the end of the day. It is about creating as many of these memories & moments as we can...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stock - The Finished Product

I woke up this morning with a house that smelled like comfort and yummy. A little weird for a breakfast smell, but that's ok. I let the stock keep cooking until about noon, so about 20 hours total cooking time. This is what it looked like when I took off the lid.

Okay, so I don't know if that looks appetizing to you. But it does to me. Next step - strain into a large bowl and let cool. Finally, I divided it into 2 cup servings, which I put into ziploc baggies. Lay them on a cookie sheet so they can freeze (somewhat) flat, and voila! 12 cups of recipe-ready chicken stock.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I swear...

Once this package of Oreos is gone, I'm never buying them again.


Chicken Stock!

Recently, I tackled a culinary task that had been daunting me - roasting a chicken. I'd gotten by til now on boneless skinless breasts and $5 rotisserie chickens from the grocery store. However, this year will be my first cooking THE Turkey. Eek. I figured I needed to have at least handled a raw bird before November.

I brined it. It turned out awesome. *Pats self on back*.

In an attempt at domesticity and frugality, I am making chicken stock from the carcass (wow, that's an unappetizing word) in my crockpot. It is easy, and it makes your house smell soooo good. It does, however, take quite a while. Which meant I had to squeeze it in between other crock pot meals. Yeah, it gets a lot of use. :)

I borrowed the recipe from my wunderkid soul sister over at . I modified it a bit - mostly because I didn't have red wine vinegar or celery salt. I'll let it chill on low overnight, til noon-ish.

At which point it will get the boot, because I have some Lazy Golumbkis to make!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Oh, Cilantro. How did it take me so long to truly appreciate you and your wonderousness?

We're talking about an herb that is used in ethnic cuisines continents and oceans apart - Latin American, Indian & South Asian, and Chinese cooking all makes use of cilantro. We're also talking about an herb that is also another herb - coriander. (Tangent - Coriander is the finishing touch on my favorite Thai appetizer, Paradise Beef. Mmm. Thai.)

Dinner this evening was low-key: Taco night. I like to buy ground beef in bulk if it goes on sale, then brown it and freeze it in bags in one pound-ish increments. I browned some earlier today, and so had some in the fridge ready to throw into some recipe. I was hoping to try a new slow cooker recipe, but alas - the girls dictated that was not to be. Tomorrow is another day!

I had some cilantro in the fridge from a salsa adventure last week (an attempt to use up the 8 zillion tomatoes from the garden). I heated some oil, and threw cilantro in before adding the meat. Mmmmmmm. I also took some sprigs to the table to wrap in the tacos themselves. Mmmm. Whole wheat wraps, sour cream, cheddar cheese, lettuce, garden tomatoes, and cilantro. Yum.

Starting Out...

It has been..well, a long time since I touched my first blog. I created that to keep my family, particularly those out of state/overseas, updated on our baby and her astounding cuteness. I got lazy pretty quickly once those far flung relatives joined Facebook. 'Tis far easier to share a billion pictures - which is what I'd take in a day, I think - over the FB. So, it was left by the wayside, though I'm happy to have it as a time capsule of that period.

This blog is the culmination of a few things. I've been cooking a lot, lately. And I'm being inspired a lot by some of the amazing food/cooking blogs that are floating around out here in cyberland. I've also given birth to another baby, and am officially in the worst shape of my life. I know something has to change. Something's got to give. But it doesn't have to be yummy food, right?

Here's the thing. I've always struggled with my weight. Some of it is genetic. Some of it is my deep love for salami and extra cheese pizza. Whatever. But I don't buy into the Oprah-esque philosophy of "I eat to fill a void" or "I eat for comfort". Ummm..I eat because it is delicious. I like food. I like that I like food. Food makes me happy because food is nummy. Leading up to my wedding, and in the year following, I lost over 90 pounds. I did it by counting calories, playing tennis, and not beating myself up or denying myself something I really wanted.

I gained it all back between my two pregnancies, and guess what? It's a lot harder to take off and play two hours of tennis now. And by 'a lot harder' I mean 'Hahahahahahaha...what did you say again?'. My body chemistry is different. My body is different. It's a whole new world. But I know it can be done, because I've done it. All journeys start with a single step, and all that. So, let's get this show on the road!

This is a cooking blog that married a weight loss blog and had little tasty babies. Some things will be healthy. Some recipes will require two packages of cream cheese. Because life should not be lived in extremes, but dancing somewhere in the middle, laughing its fool head off.

(Also, this blog might go on tangents about Mad Men. Sorry.)