Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oh, Cape Cod...

When I need my soul refreshed, I head East over the Bourne to the land of Cod. We are blessed to have a place to stay for free when we do make our way down, and believe me - I take advantage when I can.

So that is where I was this past weekend. I was dragging my feet on going, to be honest, even though we picked this date with friends as we packed up from our last excursion over Labor Day Weekend. The thought of traveling with a toddler and an infant can get very daunting. Particularly when you haven't gotten a solid night's sleep since sometime in the first trimester. I didn't want to disrupt sleep schedules. Didn't want to risk a car sick toddler. Didn't want to lose a weekend of housework - which is the only time I can get serious housework done. I tend to get overwhelmed and bury my head in the sand and stick to my comfort zone.

I'm very happy I recognized that fact, and pushed myself to go. Good friends, happy babies, yummy food, scary movies (once the kids were asleep, of course). I gained two pounds, but whatever. The health-train can start renewed this week. You just can't do Chinese food 'healthy'. It isn't fun.

Anyway, it isn't about us at the end of the day. It is about creating as many of these memories & moments as we can...

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