As usual, stirfry just plan makes me smile. Sesame oil, garlic, tons of veggies, soy sauce, ginger, what's not to love, exactly? Plus Ramen. In a more ideal time, I will make it with brown rice. But seriously, those noodles just make my heart sing. I'm a simple person, I realize.
The radishes were good! I tasted them raw and they didn't seem especially spicy to me - not sure if different 'strains' of radish are more or less spicy, but these were pretty bland. They took to the flavors added to the stir fry nicely, and added a good variety of texture when I was eating it. I feel a little bit like I copped out, but I did cook with a new thing, so what the heck? When I was reading online, looking for ways to cook radishes, a few suggestions of oven roasting came up. I LOVE oven roasting vegetables. Mmmm. So when I go to my A-team grocery store, I will see what they have in the way of radishes, and give roasting them a try.
I believe next week will be Barley. This week would have been if I hadn't come across the radishes. Again, I'm sure I've had beef & barley soup out of a can, but I certainly have never cooked with the stuff. I bought a bag, and I'm looking forward to making a hearty soup.
i love barley. a lot.